Context Clues

This unit explains context clues, including synonyms, antonyms, definitions, and examples that can help readers guess the meaning of words and text. Parts of this unit include:

Activity Link Description
#1 Video This video explains context clues, including synonyms, antonyms, definitions, and examples. After learning about each context clue, viewers practice identifying context clues and using them to understand unfamiliar words. Finally, the answers are checked.
#2 Video Notes As you watch the video, use the Video Notes to record notes and answers to the practice questions.
#3 Flash Cards Use these digital flashcards to practice context clues.
#4 Practice Worksheets Plus Worksheets 2. These worksheets by Warren County Schools and EReadingWorksheets provide excellent practice identifying words and meaning using context clues.
#5 Quiz Print this quiz by BrainPop or take it online to check progress and comprehension of context clues and identify areas that need further review.