
This unit explains adverbs, words they describe, and provides practice identifying adverbs in context. Additional practice is provided to help learners distinguish adverbs from adjectives. Parts of this unit include:

Activity Link Description
#1 Video This video explains adverbs, details they give, and words they describe. It provides practice identifying adverbs, as well as practice distinguishing adverbs from adjectives. Answers to exercises are checked and explained after each exercise.
#2 Video Notes Learners use this sheet to take notes and practice identifying adverbs while watching the video.
#3 Flash Cards Use these digital flashcards to practice identifying adverbs.
#4 Practice Worksheet Plus Worksheet 2Worksheet 3, and Worksheet 4 from to practice identifying adverbs and words they modify.  Also, use these excellent Worksheets from to practice distinguishing between adjectives and adverbs.
#5 Quiz Plus Quiz 2. Print this quiz or take it online to check progress and comprehension of adverbs and pinpoint areas that need further review.